B Com (Hons) II Year
Banking and Financial systems
Evolution of Modern Banking system
a). Functions of modern commercial Banks-Bank as a change agent; credit creation,- Nationalisation-Banking sector reforms-Emergence of Private and foreign banks
b). Innovation in Banking- Electronic banking- online and internet banking, credit cards, debit cards, smart cards, Telephone banking
Unit-II: Banking system:
a). Central banking system- Functions of a central Bank, credit policy of RBI and its impact, RBIs relationship with the central Government.
b). Co-operative banking institutions- Regional rural banks- Exchange Banks-Development Financial Institutions-ICICI Bank, IDBI Bank, IFCI,SIDBI, SFCs.
Unit-III: Indian Financial System:
a).Money Market-Instruments of Money market, Money market reforms in India
b). Capital Market-Primary market-Book Building- Secondary markets- Capital Market reforms in India-Role of SEBI- National Depository system- Rolling settlements-online stock trading-Futures and options-SHCIL functions.
Unit-IV: Financial Services:
a). Merchant Banking – need functions, classification, pre issue and post issue, responsibilities of a lead Managers-Benefits.
b). Factoring services – need, process, benefits, securitisation
c). Venture capital-need, functions, benefits
d). Mutual Funds-need, types, benefits
e). Credit rating- need, agencies (CARE, ICRA, CRISIL)
Unit-V: Banker and customer:
a). Definition and relationship between banker and customer- customer agencies-Gopieria committee report- Role of a Branch Manager and his discretionary powers.
b). Negotiable instruments- Types-Magnetic Ink character Recognition cheques-features of Negotiable Instruments( Bills of Exchange, Promissory note, cheque including banker cheque- Dishonour of a cheque- liability of a paying bankerand collecting banker.
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