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B.law 3 yr syllabus

                           B com (Hons) III Year
Business & Corporate Laws
Unit-I: Law of Contract:
Definitions, classification and essential elements of a valid contract – meaning and legal rules to offer and acceptance and revocation of offer and acceptance.- Definition, legal rules to consideration agreements- meaning of free consent, coercion, undue influence, fraud, misrepresentation and mistake- offer to perform- time and place of performance parties by whom contracts must be performed, remedies for breach of contract.
Unit-II Special contracts:
1. Indemnity and Guarantee: Contract of indemnity and guarantee and differences- rights of surety and discharge of surety.
2. Bailment and Pledge: Duties and rights of bailor and bailee – law relating to lien- rights and duties of pawnor and pawnee.
3. Agency: Agent and principal, creation of agency, duties and rights of agents and principal delegation of authority, personal liability of agent and termination of agency.
4. Quazi contract.
Unit-III: sale of goods Act- contract of sale, sale and agreement to sell, conditions and warranty, passing of property, transfer of title- rules as to delivery, performance of contract, rights of unpaid seller against goods.
Consumer Protection act, 1986- Objectives- consumer and who is not a consumer- disputes and complaints- objects of central and state consumer protection councils- redressal forums- district forums – compensation and procedure on receipts of complaints- State commission and National commission.
Environment (Protection) act- definitions- powers of central government- prevention and control and abatement of environmental pollution.Unit: IV: Company- meaning and characteristics- pre promotion  problems- kinds of company- incorporation-position and liability- conversion of private company into public company and vice versa- lifting the corporate veil- MOV-Contents-Alteration- AOA- prospectus- statement in Lieu of prospectus- minimum subscription-under writing- doctrine of indoor management- a brief profile of company law in India.
Share and share capital- kinds of shares and debentures- investment and borrowing powers of the company- members- mode of shares- membership- rights and liabilities of members- shares- stock and share warrants.
Unit-V: Company management- directors- kinds- qualifications and disqualifications-Appointments-removal-remuneration- powers- duties- liabilities of directors-company secretaries-Meetings: kinds of meetings- requisitions of valid meeting- winding up- compulsory, voluntary- subject to supervision of court- liquidator- committee of inspection- preferential creditors- fraudulent preference- mergers-acquisitions- corporate governance- recent amendments in company law.

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