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QB 1 yr ME part 2

QB 1 yr ME part 2


1.       “Pricing in practice is completely divorced from the theory of the firm”. Explain with special reference to dual pricing.

2.       Discuss the various techniques of price formulation in actual business situation.

3.       Explain the method of cost-plus pricing. Also state the strengths and weaknesses of traditional pricing theory.

4.       Discuss the uses and limitations of marginal cost pricing

5.       Distinguish between the pricing policies followed by big and the small businesses.

6.       What are the unique problems faced by multi-product firms in setting a price for each product? Explain them with suitable illustrations wherever possible.

7.       Explain incremental reasoning in pricing. What are its advantages and limitations (OU.Mar.2005.Mar.2004)

8.       What are the specific problems of product-line pricing?

9.       Explain the pricing policies at various stages of product life cycle.

10.    What do you understand by transfer pricing? How transfer price is determined?

11.    What factors influence the choice of prices for a product-line by a firm? Discuss

12.    How does the price determination of a multi-product firm differ from that of a single product firm? (OU.Mar.2005)

13.    State the objectives of pricing policy and explain the different methods of pricing. (OU.Nov.1999.Mar.1999)

14.  What is the role of cost in pricing?


1.       “Profit is the reward for successful innovation”. Explain  (OU.Mar.2004)

2.       Explain the risk and uncertainty theories of profit (OU.Mar.2005)

3.       Define profits and explain the nature and the sources of profit  (OU.Mar.2000)

4.       Distinguish between accountants’ concepts of profit and economists concept of profit.

5.       Explain briefly the various theories of profit and discuss the statement “profit as the objective of a firm is at best a very limited concept”.

6.       Explain the concept of break-even in profit planning

7.       Explain Break-even analysis and its limitations

8.       What is break-even point? State the significance of break-even analysis (OU.Mar.2000)

9.       What do you understand by business cycles? Explain the process of the boom, the depression and the recovery. (OU.Mar.2004)

10.    Explain the phases and causes of business cycles (OU.Mar.2005)

11.    What do you understand by a business cycle? Why does it occur mostly in free enterprise economy?

12.    Why do business cycles occur? Explain the monetary and non-monetary factors causing business cycles (OU.Mar.1998)

13.    What is cyclical pricing? What are the factors that influence this policy?

14.    What are the various difficulties involved in measurement of national income in India? (PE-I. Nov.1998)

15.    Explain different methods of measuring National Income . What are their limitations? (PE-I.Nov. 2001)

16.    Explain the value added method of measuring national income (PE I.May.2004)

17.    What is national income? Is it a reliable index of economic welfare (PE-I.May.2002)


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